There was a time when the symbol # was just a random button on the telephone landlines at our homes. No one knew exactly what this button did but were equally vary of pressing it lest something went wrong! But today this symbol called the 'hashtag' is one of the most needed and powerful in the World Wide Web!
What it does and allows you to do is tremendous! Just attach it to few words or phrases and let the magic begin... Confused? Let’s begin with understanding this symbol and then see which portals use this and for advantages.
Hashtag/s is a word or group of words put after the symbol #, also known as metadata tag, technically. It is a way to find out/connect/know more on ones interests. (Ex: #recipes will help one know and keep a tab on all 'recipe' related articles, posts, pictures etc). It is an effective way to engage ones brand with the market. It is widely used in sites Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+ and lately Facebook.
While most of these sites have the basic purpose of content tagging and discovery, the use of hashtag varies from site to site. There are 3 core hashtag marketing strategies which these sites more or less propagate:
- Brand your business/product and marketing campaigns (includes tag lines and niche marketing)
- Catch and follow real-time trending topics (relating to your interest and business)
- Expand the reach of your updates and content
Let’s delve into each site to understand their particular usage:
Last Trivia or Rather a Tip: #DoNotMakeLongOrOneEntireSetenceIntoAHashtagCozItWontHelpAndYouAreNotCreatingAnyGreatImpression! - Never do this! 🙂
Happy Hashtagging!
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